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Tap Virtuoso on February 6, 2022 at Théatre du Châtelet (Paris)

Experience spectacular, poetic, powerful and worldclass tap dance in the footsteps of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin...

Premiered at Theatre du Châtelet in Paris, Tap Virtuoso brings the magic of classical music and « Broadway » together on stage. Who could ask for anything more?

Internationally acclaimed french tap dancer Aurélien Lehmann redefines tap and brings a new, refreshing and vibrant vitality in the classical piano masterpieces. Playful, educating and entertaining, the show is opened to all music and piano amateurs and counts on cheerful children to make it an unforgettable night.

With Aurélien Lehmann
and François-René Duchâble or Eric Artz (piano)

Bande annonce spectacle
Extraits live
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Extend the experience

"Tap Virtuoso"  

(available from November 2021)

Written in collaboration with the Théâtre du Châtelet, this educational file aims to extend your experience of the "Tap Virtuoso" music video or concert. You will find a note of choreographic intent, biographical resources on the great composers of classical music, as well as a brief history of Tap Dance, presented by Steve Zee, Tap Master and American historian.

Author: Aurélien Lehmann

With the collaboration of Steve Zee (Histoire du Tap Dance)

Dossier Pédagogique
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